Friday, 3 July 2020

Strength And Conditioning Workout Chart


  1. Front Squat : 5 Rep * 5 Set
  2. Deadlift: 5 Rep * 5 set
  3. Kettle Bell Swing: 20 Rep
  4. Slege Pull: 5 Set
  5. Plank: 1 Mini                                                               



  1. D/B Press: 12 Rep * 5 Sets
  2. Incline D/B Press: 12 Rep * 5 Sets
  3. Shoulder Press: 12 Rep * 5 Sets
  4. Side+Front lateral: 12 Rep * 5 Sets
  5. Trap Bar Farmerswalk: 5 Sets
  6. Triceps Press Down: 12 Rep * 5 Sets 

                         7 Essential Strength And Conditioning Exercises For Martial Arts ...


  1. Animal Walk: 1 Rep * 5 Sets 
  2. Frog Jump: 5 Sets
  3. Tyre Jump: 20 Sets
  4. Inch Worm: 12 Rep * 5 Sets 
  5. Slege Hammer: 10 + 10 


  1. Dead Lift: 5 Rep * 5 Sets
  2. Lat Puldown: 12 rep * 5 Sets
  3. Superman Rows: 12 Rep * 5 Sets
  4. Bear Hug: 1 Rep * 5 Sets
  5. Hyper Extension: 12 Rep * 5 Set 

                             Strength and Conditioning — Urban Chiropractic


  1. Squat: 5 Rep * 5 Set
  2. Leg Extension: 12 Rep * 5 Set
  3. Step Up: 10 Rep * 5 Set
  4. Lunges: 1 Rep * 5 Set

                                             Rest 1 to 2 Mini

                           The Call to Rest (Mark 6) | Dr Ken Baker

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